Een Hand in de Hand

Description Text: J. Veulemans ("Bruiloftsliedje"). Title page computer print? Text "Bruiloftsliedje" included at reverse of title page. Score numbered, invomplete, p. 2-6 lack. Composed for Philomeen Lelieveldt and Albert Polman, for the occassion of their marriage, d.d. 20-10-1995. (For autograph see NMI 248/075, AK.)
Type of work Score (4 p.)
Instrumentation choir (4 voices)
Instrumentation (abbreviation) ch4
Manuscript/edition Own publication
Arranged -
Commissioner -
Donemus (edition no.) -
NMI (archive no.) -
Royal Conservatoire (RC) Instituut voor Sonologie -
Literary resource -


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